Saturday, May 19, 2012


So, I have some "Preteens" in my house and have noticed that they sure do change quickly from the cute little munchkin to a mini adult! My son's voice seemed to change overnight along with his attitude. It's as though he went from girls having "cooties" to being "in love" with every girl he dates, which by the way only lasts a week or two!! haha It's like they go from being just happy go lucky to being so dramatic all the time. Of course it doesn't help that my son has ADHD too!

It is remarkable what a persons hormones can do! Just how much they can affect and change your emotions, thoughts and even your actions. It's hard to remember when I went through this, but I know when I was pregnant my hormones would go crazy!! I would be happy one minute and crying the next some days. I guess it's a lot like puberty in a way. these kids are growing up so fast and are changing so quick, I can't blame them for not knowing how to react to things.

During the transformation through puberty, our preteens are lost. Any little thing that happens is like the end of the world and can devastate him/her at the time. But, we parents also have to remember that they are still kids and it will pass quickly. In fact, my son has been going through these ups and downs for the past week because of a break up with his girlfriend. it is pretty interesting actually. One minute he is so upset and it's the end of the world because he is so "in love" with her and the next he's talking about how he's thinking about dating this other girl. 

I just take a step back, breathe and remember that he is just as lost with this as I am at times and we will get through it one step at a time. All we can do as parents is deal with the situation at hand and be there for them. :) If you have a preteen or teen and are going through this as well, feel free to comment and share your story.

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